Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
BOM: Managing Conflict in Cross Generation Audience Interaction: (cassie) (Show the audience the slide show; the different generations and their views. After the slideshow is viewed, the speaker asks â€Å"what do you think this slideshow has illustrated?†Let audience respond) The workforce we work in today is changing rapidly. Over the last decades the development of technology has been widespread. Not only has technological development had an impact on each of us but also it has significantly influenced a generation gap. Simply said, the older lifestyle has become obsolete. Technology has wiped out many of the old practices that the older generation have used. Because of this generation gap, there are marked differences between our generation and our parents’ generation. These differences are ‘in the way we think, live and communicate.’ For example, if our parents’ generation use the term ‘post,’ what would come into their mind would be the system for letters and parcels being delivered. However, in today’s generation, the word ‘post means a facebook post or a social networking post. Introduction: (Solita) Welcome Business Corporates to this annual business breakfast. We are workers from the Cairns Consulting Firm and would like to address with you one of a human resource issue we face in our workforce each day. Australia, like other developing countries is currently experiencing a population that is ageing, this is resulting in a demographic trough in the country’s workforce. In consideration of the impact on the economy, the ageing workforce is now a major concern and priority for government and organisations alike. Although research acknowledges the relevance of this issue in Australia, it remains unclear how organisations s... ...ger generation to meet them, she has earned her respect and reputation, she acts as a mentor and she separates her personal life from her work life. Conclusion: (cassie) In conclusion, the workforce today consists of four different generations, the traditionalists are the workers aged 70 and over, the baby boomers are the workers aged from ages of 49-68, generations X’s are workers 34years to 48 years old, Generation Y’s or also known as Millenials are workers aging 33 years and lower. All these generations style of learning, their mindsets, their type of communication, their priorities in life and their values all differ from one another. Due to this problems easily arise, so the main strategy and the most vital is communicating with each other, addressing and taking advantage of the variety of values and being attentive. Thanks for listening !
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